So many wiper blade options, which one is best?

Just like you, service advisers can get overwhelmed when there are more than a few part options. Fortunately, we have the ability to ask for real stats about what parts work best or are sold most from our parts vendors. Here, I will lay them out for you.

We should start with the fact that there are a few styles of blades available for purchase. There is the frame style which is traditional, the beam style, winter blades and also hybrids to give you the best of all worlds.

The top three blades currently sold on the marketplace are as follows.

1, Bosch ICON’s. Quality, sleekness, durability, efficiency. That pretty much sums up the ICON series offered by Bosch and unless found on sale, they are typically on the more expensive side of blades.

2. Rain-X Latitude. These blades are great quality for the money spent and work well. They are pretty standard in the industry and you will find them to be mid scale on their price which can vary greatly depending on where you get them.

3. ExtraClear (Advance Auto). While not a name brand, the ExtraClear line from Advance is among a favorite of us at the shop as they are good quality at an excellent price. They may not last as long as a Bosch but you can buy two pairs of them for the price of one Bosch set.